How do I clear my web browser's cache, cookies, and history?

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If you do not see instructions for your specific version or browser, search your browser's Help menu for "clear cache". If you're unsure what browser version you're using, from the Help menu, select About [browser name].

Note: In Internet Explorer and Firefox, if you do not see the menu bar, press Alt.

On this page:

About cache, cookies, and history

Each time you access a file through your web browser, the browser caches (i.e., stores) it. Thus, the browser doesn't have to newly retrieve files (including any images on the page) from the remote web site each time you click Back or Forward. You should periodically clear the cache to allow your browser to function more efficiently.

A cookie is a file created by a web browser, at the request of a web site, that is stored on a computer. These files typically store user-specific information such as selections in a form, shopping cart contents, or authentication data. Browsers will normally clear cookies that reach a certain age, but clearing them manually may solve problems with web sites or your browser.

A browser's history is a log of sites that you visit. When you press a browser's Back button, you are moving back one entry the history log. Browsers will normally clear history at regular intervals, but you may want to clear it manually for privacy reasons.

Internet Explorer

  1. Delete Browsing History


  1. Delete Browsing History


  1. Clear cache


  1. Clear cache and cookies


  1. Clear your browsing history in Safari on Mac

Mobile Safari for iPhone OS (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)

  1. Clear the history and cookies from Safari on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch